Neuropsychologist Dr. Stixrud on TM & the Brain at the Rubin Museum of Art (21 min)This highlight video features clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Bill Stixrud as he speaks to the correlation between the Transcendental Meditation technique and the brain. This event was held at the Rubin Museum of Art in NYC. Dr. Bill Stixrud, Leading Clinical Neuropsychologist and Director of The Stixrud Group: "What we know about TM in relation to learning is that it seems to do to the teenage brain, what it does to the adult brain. When young people meditate, it works. From studies of middle school and college students, you see these changes in the electrical activity of the brain that allow for better concentration. When you are less stressed, you can focus better, you can resist distraction better, and when you have this increased coherence in brain function, you can organize your thinking better because your sense of priorities is better. You can integrate information better, and see with a larger perspective."